Diabolik lovers haunted dark bridal english patch

Description > Diabolik lovers haunted dark bridal english patch

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What're you doing without my permission? Yours Truly is lover sleeping, his hugging pillow shouldn't move around on it's own. What do you think you're doing? Don't patch you can do haunted you want! I said, don't thrash around! We're inside a custom-built iron maiden. Do you know what an 'iron maiden' is? But, this one is larger than normal, and it's spines have been removed. It was cutomised to be Yours Truly's sleeping place. That's right, this is my bed~. You forced me to bring you here because you were lonely sleeping all alone, right? Che, why aren't you playing along anymore? Why do Diabolik always feel sleepy everytime I'm in here? It's nothing, just talking to myself. The reason why you english sleeping in here? I just put a little drug in your food. Then, when you felt dizzy, I brought you here. You don't know what the others'll do to you, while you're defenseless because of how dizzy you get from the drug. Or maybe you want the others to do things, until you're messed up? I said no thrashing around! Although I had it customised, this bed is still too narrow. Even though I made it especially larger so that I could roll over while I sleep, it isn't big enough to fit two people. It'd be dark if I got one that could keep two, or even three women. A sleeping place is something to be obsessive over, isn't it? A high-class vampire like me, would never be satisfied with a bridal coffin. The reason why I called you Pancake, is because your chest is as flat as a pancake. I don't have any particular schemes. Just open it without any interruptions!.

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